Why Does My Peep Sight Keep Turning?
The world of archery hunting is fascinating. You feel like you were living in the 18th century and can hunt with your mighty bow and arrow like in the primitive era. Hey, no judgment. We are very proud of your hunting method of choice.
But using archery in this fast-paced world has its difficulty. Hunters argue. Some say this kind of bow and arrow is perfect, and others say the other is the way to go. There is no right or wrong answer. It depends upon your hunting style and what makes you feel comfortable.
Similarly, the number one argument archery hunters argue about is whether a no-peep system archery is the best or archery, which has a peep system, is the way to go. Again, as we said earlier, it depends on your sight range and bow and arrow use.
Since this article’s main question is Why does my peep sight keep turning, we will focus more on archery with peep sights.
So, what is a peep sight?
Credit: wikiow
Although peep sights are relatively common in shotguns, many people are shocked when they find them in their archery too.
The peep sight looks like a hole in your bowstring. This hole allows you to adjust your line of sight between your hunting target, your archery’s pin, and your eye.
Therefore, peep sights are important in sharpening your shooting expertise. They also allow you to secure dialing every time you use your weapon.
Why do hunters prefer peep sights?
Even though hunters out there have no peep sights, most prefer them. In addition, peep sights allow you to have a very focused shooting target. You can easily eliminate any other disturbances in your surroundings. And focus only on your target of interest.
Big-game shooting is much easier if you will use peep sights. Big game animals like elks and deer are especially hard to hunt. So, using a peep sight will allow you to focus only on your next big game and nothing else.
Finally, peep sights ensure that your anchor point remains consistent every time you hunt. Because archery requires a lot of movement, your anchor points also get disturbed. In this case, having a peep sight ensures that no matter how much you move, your bow and arrow’s anchor point are fine.
Why Does My Peep Sight Keep Turning: The Unlimited Frustration
Peep sights turn.
The above-mentioned three-word sentence might be the most infuriating sentence you have ever come through. It can get especially irritating if you are an avid archer or your peep sights turn too. If that is the case, you probably have wondered, ugh, why does my peep sight keep turning?
Peep sights do test your patience. They might turn in every draw or in every three to five draws. You might blame the manufacturer of your sweet bow, and they might say that your string is faulty and you install a good-quality string. But the result? Still turning peep sight.
In addition, peep sights can turn after you are a hundred percent sure that they are aligned. However, they twist when you are ready to draw, which ruins your perfectly planned shot. Then you fix it and are sure it won’t turn again. But peep sights are creepy. They will turn again, making you lose your mind.
The frustration is uncanny. So in this article which answers the question of why does my peep sight keep turning, we will look at every aspect of your peep sight and prescribe ways of making it not turn.
Why Does My Peep Sight Keep Turning: The Cause
Fixing a problem without understanding its cause is like expecting hot ice cream. It is impossible. Even though reading the cause might be boring, reading it might make you understand something new. And learning new is always interesting, isn’t it?
Beginners make a lot of mistakes, as they should. Although you do every kind of research possible, getting it right every time takes a lot of work. But don’t worry. We are here to solve all your problems.
The Importance Of Breaking-In
In the beginning, novices tend not to break in their brand-new bowstrings. As exciting as it may seem, it uses your brand-new strings directly on your equipment. As new as they are, they will turn your peep sight. It would help if you broke in your bow strings.
For the breaking in part, you have to shoot more than a hundred arrows from your bow, but the number of bows you shoot also differs. Okay, the main confusion is how this will help your peep sight.
Your new bow string will stretch easily after breaking in. But you have to do this without installing your peep sight. Because you see, if you break in your new bowstring with your peep sight, it will turn and be misaligned.
Also, the quality of the bowstring you buy plays an important role in the turning nature of your peep sight. Low-quality bow string equals low-quality fibers. So, those low-quality fibers will greatly impact the placement of your peep sight.
Storing Your Bows
Okay, these reasons, as mentioned above, are more technical. How you treat your bows also affects the turning of your peep sight.
Let’s say you stored your bow in a warm and wet environment. The environment also plays an important role in misaligning your peep sight because it negatively affects its position.
On the flip side, storing your bows in an extremely cold environment will cause your string to contract, thus affecting your peep sight.
Too Much Love
You love to do some archery. Be it for hunting, sports, or general recreation. Archery is your love, and the bow and arrow are your babies. We get it. We have been there.
But extreme love can be dangerous too. The turning factor of your peep sight isn’t only because you shoot too much it might also be because of the love you pour on your gear.
Keeping your bow inside your house at all times for “protection” and only moving it out for shooting is also one of the main culprits of why does my peep sight keep turning. The outdoors is filled with air pressure, varying humidity levels, temperature, etc. These conditions are more than likely to affect your bow and arrow adversely.
So, what can you do? You can’t just leave your bow and arrow outside to toughen it. Well, you can do one thing, though. Try aligning your peep sight according to the site to which you will eventually expose it. Maybe this may fix your turning peep sight problem.
Why Does My Peep Sight Keep Turning: The Ways To Fix It
Okay, now you have understood the various causes that can twist and turn your peep sight. You are considering breaking in and finding a new place to store your bows. But, the damage has been done.
Don’t worry. We have ways to fix it. Stay along with us on the list of why does my peep sight keeps turning as we discover the ways to fix your problem finally. Successfully.
Consider Twisting Your String
Let us start with the number one way of fixing your string on our list of why does my peep sight keeps turning.
Twisting your string can be a great option for preventing your peep sight from twisting. But this process requires an extra material called a bow press. However, do not fear the bow press because the process is quick and easy.
First, identify the direction of your peep sight, especially the direction it twists while you draw your bow. The twist of your peep sight may be either left or right.
Second, after figuring out the direction of turn of your peep sight, you need to know whether to twist your string inward or outward. For this, check the quality and build of your bowstring.
Okay, now let us look at an example. You have figured out the rotation of your peep sight, for example, right. Now take your bow string off by pressing it. But take out your bow string only at the top end of your bow. This is also the end where you will place your peep sight.
Now, start twisting your strings quarterly. After some sweet twisting, put your string back on the bow and check the rotation of your peep sight.
Continue rotating until and unless you are sure that your peep sight is in the right rotating direction that is straight. Also, counting the number of times you twist the string that you will put out and in your bow helps because if you cannot find the initial direction of the rotation of your string, you can always twist it back.
Twisting your bow string is the most effective way of solving your turning peep string problems. It works 99 percent of the time. It is also very easy and quick.
But one main constraint of this method is that every time you twist your bowstring, your draw’s size is reduced by at least a millimeter. Also, untwisting your string makes your draw size longer. However, if you have no problem changing your draw length, do this method.
Twist Your D-Loop
Okay, let us say that a very slight margin crooks your peep sight’s alignment. So, how do you fix it? For this well, use can twist your d-loop.
To do that, check which direction your peep sight is more likely to rotate. If your peep sight rotates towards the right, you must push your d-loop slightly towards the left by holding the bow’s serving. If your peep sight rotates towards the left, you must push your d-loop slightly towards the right by holding the bow’s serving.
Pushing your d-loop in the opposite direction than your peep sight helps to create torque on the bowstring. However, the knots in the d-loop are more likely to return to their original position.
But if you don’t have a bow press, then twisting your d-loop might be a quick and easy fix to align your peep sight. In addition to the d-loop, you can turn your peep sight directly every time you draw your gorgeous bow.
There is a drawback in directly twisting your peep sight. The twist might be challenging if you always do it in a high-pressure condition, like drawing your bow. Many hunters do it, and it works perfectly fine for them. But for some, it might be a chilling story to tell to their other hunter mates.
Use A String Silencer
Wait, a string silencer? How will a string silencer solve the problem of my turning peep sight?
Well, it does. A string silencer is always a good option when you do not have a bow press. You can buy a string silencer anywhere, and they do not cost much.
The first step of using a string silencer is to untie the peep string you have already tied. You can also serve your peep sight once after installing it. After that, put your string silencer on your string and align it with the peep sight how you like it.
However, let us say that you already have a string silencer attached to your bow. Then, in this case, move its position up or down to align it with the peep sight.
Did you know that cat whiskers are a popular string silencer?
If you have a cat, then it is a piece of good news. But keep in mind to never inflict pain on your beloved cat. Also, remember not to move your cat whisker string silencer haphazardly because the chances of you damaging the delicate fibers of your bow string might increase.
In addition, buying a string silencer on the market is a better option than cat whiskers. But if you have already used cat whiskers as a string silencer, leave it on your bowstring, or you can remove it too.
Further, removing the cat whisker will be a safe option because you are more likely to use the store-bought one, which will do the job more efficiently.
Yarn To The Rescue
Yarns are a great solution to why does my peep sight keeps turning questions. But for this, you might want to use a bow press. Using a bow press can also be done outside your house and doesn’t require buying other bow-related equipment.
Like a string silencer, using yarn or a heavy string can help stop your peep sight from turning without your permission. Okay, first untie your peep sight if it is already attached to your bowstring. Then, slip your yarn or heavy string in between your bow strings. But if your yarn is way too long for your bow string, you can always cut it to your desired length.
Using yarn or a heavy string is one of the most effective and easiest ways of preventing your peep sight from turning.
Why Does My Peep Sight Keep Turning: The Finale
Peep sights are small. But create a lot of havoc. Turning and twisting these tiny non-living things can make you mad.
But with a little patience and doing the activities we have prescribed on our why does my peep sight keep turning list, your problem will be solved in no time. Trust us.