Tree Saddle Hunting
Trees and hunting often go hand in hand. Trees are often in the vicinity of your hunt. You cannot outrun them; these mighty creations of nature are always there, providing oxygen and giving lives.
Humans have been using trees for a long time. Be it for logs, furniture, fuel wood, leaves, etc., trees are multi-purpose beings. So, using trees for hunting is a familiar topic.
Additionally, trees are especially helpful during tree saddle hunting. Tree saddle hunting is a form of deer hunting where you hunt a deer elevated on a tree with the help of a saddle. It is one of the most popular forms of tree hunting today.
Further, this form of hunting is advantageous for those who desire to go deep inside vegetation to get their next big hunt. Also, if you wish to carry a manageable amount of mass while going on a hunt and prefer to take only the necessary goods, tree saddle hunting will be a godsend for you.
So, let us talk about this exciting form of adventure. We are sure that tree saddle hunting will fuel your hunting interest even more.
Tree Saddle Hunting: An Introduction
Have you ever seen the harness used by a rock climber? The harness is connected to hooks and ropes and has various knots, making the climber secure so they can climb without fear. This form of setup is very similar to tree saddle hunting.
So, tree saddle hunting, if we have to define it in a very complicated way, is a form of hunting a deer from an elevated stance by being suspended, usually from a tree, with the help of a saddle. Thus, the name tree saddle hunting.
Okay, let us hold our horse now because this heavy-duty definition included a lot of new topics that are foreign to many. So, let us start by talking about tree saddles first.
Remember the rock climbing harness we talked about earlier? Add a seat made of fabric, and then you will have a tree saddle. So, what did people do before tree saddle hunting became a thing?
Well, they used to use a tree stand. Additionally, a tree stand is a traditional method of hunting in which you both sit or stand on a platform-like substance that you will fit from a tree. Also, the difference between a tree saddle and a tree stand is that in a tree saddle, you are suspended from a tree, while in a tree stand, you are either sitting or standing by using a stand on a tree.
Don’t worry about your feet just hanging around while a tree suspends you because, in a tree saddle kit, you will also get a feet platform that you can use as foot support.
A tip: Describing a picture is easy if you are looking at it. So, surf the World Wide Web to find various photos of tree saddle hunting and get a clear image.
Tree Saddle Hunting: Gears and Equipment
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The journey of any hunter begins with a list of the right gear and equipment. To start your journey, you must commit to a good set of tree saddle-hunting tools. Don’t worry. We will go through all the basic gear and equipment you will need. But you have to promise to stay with us throughout the article to do so.
A Tree Saddle
Okay, investing in a good set of tree saddles is a no-brainer because you will require it, as the name suggests. But try to buy the most premium quality you can find by doing extensive research on the internet. Also, you can read Amazon reviews about various kinds of tree saddles and threads and forums on Reddit and Quora.
If you have friends or family who have been tree saddle hunting, ask them too because you will need a tree saddle for every hunt. So, you must invest in the best you can find.
Try searching for a tree saddle with adjustable waist and leg support straps. So, you can move and modify it according to your will. Also, look for frame packs and gear ties independently closed, allowing the tree saddle to be silent and synched down every time you use it. All these features allow your tree saddle experience to be as easy, comfortable, and quiet as possible.
Further, look for both removable or adjustable bridges attached to the saddle. Also, your tree saddle hunting experience will be better if you have MOLLE loops attached to the tree saddle. These loops allow you to hang your other tree saddle hunting items like a bow hoist or even your hunting bag.
A Climbing Stick
Climbing sticks are an important piece of equipment during tree saddle hunting. How will you reach your desired height to wait for your next great hunt? Yes, with the help of climbing sticks. Confused? Let us explain.
Many climbing sticks are on the market but look for the ones that can get you a big bang for your buck. Also, climbing sticks come in sections that you will have to assemble to use to climb trees. Look for the ones that are lightweight but can carry much weight. Most climbing sticks can carry around 300 pounds or around 136 kilograms easily. But make sure that they make the least noise while you carry and assemble them not to scare your buck.
You can always carry your climbing stick inside your tree saddle hunting bag for accessibility. Look for climbing sticks that have foldable steps and sticks that can easily stack with each other. Also, remember that aluminum is a great material for climbing sticks because they are lightweight, so when buying one, look for the ones made of aluminum.
Finally, look for climbing sticks with enough space to hold your boots without discomfort smugly. Ensure that the straps to hold you and the climbing sticks in place are of good quality and grip impeccably.
Investing in a good climbing stick is always a smart option because the comfort and safety level of your tree saddle hunting depends upon its quality.
A Rope
Climbing something and nothing written about ropes should be declared a crime. Any climbing, even the basic ones, need climbing. So, if it is an adventurous activity like tree saddle hunting, ropes are important as oxygen.
Ropes are abundant in the tree saddle hunting bazaar. But look for the lightweight ones. Yes, it might seem oxymoron when you want the rope to support you and your hunting accessories, but we are asking you to buy the lightweight ones.
Do you want to carry the weight of ropes when you already carry so much? We don’t think so. Buy the ultralight ones. Don’t worry, you will find them.
The strength of ropes comes from the fiber quality they are made of. So, look for the ones made up of high-quality fibers that provide excellent toughness. Also, look for one that you can easily grasp with the palm of your hand. Supple ropes are the way to go for excellent holding stature.
Many ropes are multi-purpose. You can girth hitch them to any tree saddle eliminating you to buy a second carabiner. Also, you can use many ropes made for tree saddle hunting as a Lineman’s rope.
Finally, look for soft ropes. Yes, the softness ensures that your hand does not get rashes, chaffed, or discomfort while using them. Additionally, softness with a jacket of strongness ensures that the grip between the rope and your hand is unbeatable. You can use these tree saddle hunting ropes as a tree tether or a Lineman’s rope.
A Platform
Comfort is the middle name of tree saddle hunting. It would be best if you had the comfort to do any task. And if you are doing a daring activity like tree saddle hunting, you need more comfort than the general population.
Platforms for tree saddle hunting come in various varieties. But always choose the strong enough to withstand any environmental or even your own inflicted pressure. They also need to be small enough to carry anywhere. Also, ensure they are light enough to be a smooth transporting process.
A platform must also be very sturdy and durable. Like climbing sticks, if a platform is made of aluminum, you can consider putting them on your shopping list. Also, look for the ones that are easy to install and stable enough that you won’t move when you put your legs on them.
Further, a good platform provides enough space for your boots and you to rest easily without discomfort. Also, camouflage and quietness are huge factors when purchasing a platform. It should be quiet enough for any buck, at least. However, bucks are very jumpy even in the lightest sound, so you might want to modify your platform to make it silent enough for your liking.
Finally, the cam strap buckle that holds the platform together must be light and quiet.
Tree Saddle Hunting: The Safety Factor
Safety plays an important role in tree saddle hunting. Sometimes lack of proper safety can cause your life or seriously injure you. So, investing in the perfect type of safety equipment is very important. But many hunters globally often need to pay more attention to this crucial step.
However, safety gears are hard to get by, so you cannot blame the hunters for not using one.
Many tree saddles have built-in safety tools when they connect to a tree. And if you ensure that the tree saddle is used correctly properly, then your chances of falling are less than one percent.
Also, how you use your hunting saddles and safety harnesses plays a huge role in your safety. You are secure in normal hunting conditions. You will be safe considering the scenarios in which you use your tree saddle hunting gear correctly.
Also, did you know that safety harnesses do not prevent you from falling? They catch you when you fall and protect you from hitting the ground and splitting your head open. So, safety harnesses are for prevention, not protection.
Do not worry. We were trying to state some facts. The conclusion is that tree saddle hunting is safe if you practice and know what you are doing. Also, if you use the designated hunting gear the way they are supposed to work with some certified modifications, you will be safe and secure.
Finally, we do not have even one record of someone falling from a tree saddle before, so you are safe during tree saddle hunting.
Tree Saddle Hunting: Some Advantages
After establishing that tree saddle hunting is safe, we might as well discuss its advantages. Do not worry; we won’t talk about it all because we do not wish this article to be a book. But if you still need convincing to try tree saddle hunting, this may change your mind.
Hunting is all about patience. It would be best if you sometimes waited for hours. Waiting can be easy but will get hard if you wait on climbing stands, hang-on, or metal ladder stands is painful. Your legs will never forgive you if you wait around in these gears.
However, in a tree saddle, you are rested. As you hang around from a tree, stand on your comfortable mixture of fabric and support; waiting will be a breeze.
Also, tree saddle hunting ensures that your hunting place is a complete secret. When you use a tree saddle, leaving pieces of evidence such as tree steps or ladders is out of the question. In addition to hunters not knowing your position, even bucks won’t know where you are.
The chances of people using the same tree saddle during their hunt are universal. No matter what kind of tree you decide to suspend from, the type of tree saddle you use will be the same. Saving you some major money. Also, being elevated from the ground will ensure that none of your stuff gets stolen. So, no need to worry about thieves.
Lastly, you can shoot your buck 360 from a tree saddle. Above the ground, you can see a buck hundreds of meters away. Its position is manageable because you can maneuver your tree saddle in any direction. Also, if you are hunting in areas where the population of deer is higher, you can keep an eye on your buck by going to the opposite side of the tree. This way, your hunt will be as invisible and smooth as possible.
Tree Saddle Hunting: The Comfort Factor
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Sitting on a tree saddle while waiting for your hunt might seem very uncomfortable. We get that it does. But talking from our experience, it isn’t what it seems.
Sure, this experience is more comforting than taking a nap after a big lunch, but hey, none of the other hunting adventures is hundred percent comfortable. But if we compare tree saddle hunting to any other form of deer hunting, it is much more comfortable.
When you are sitting on a tree saddle, the experience is similar to lying crossways on a small hammock. So if we have to compare your back’s comfort level with that of tree stands, then a tree saddle is very comfortable. Also, a tree saddle is very adjustable. You don’t have to stand, sit, or lean on one particular position. You can move around and choose the best waiting stance for you.
Finally, tree saddle hunting is more comfortable because it has adjustable legs, back, and waist straps. Try finding the best position for you, and you will be comfortable.