Saddle Hunting Tips And Tricks
Saddle hunting refers to hunting deer by being elevated from the ground, especially on a tree stand. Hunters all over the world love this method of hunting because it allows you to be hands-free. Also, being suspended over something without feeling the weight of your hunting gears or even yourselves is worth a try.
Did you know that saddle hunting dates back more than thirty years ago? The idea came to a great American family widely popular as the Green family of the United States of America in the 1960s. Although it is around pop culture, saddle hunting has been here for ages.
So, why is saddle hunting so famous now? Well, saddle hunting is better than the traditional method of tree stand hunting because it is far more comfortable if you use the right gear and know the right techniques. And this is our number one saddle-hunting tip and trick.
Are you interested now to know more about saddle hunting? Then, buckle up as we take you through our impressive and crucial list of saddle-hunting tips and tricks.
Saddle Hunting Tips And Tricks: Getting Into The Perfect Shape
Bowhunt or Die ®
Being prepared never hurts anybody. And being extra prepared while doing something dangerous, as going out in the wild and hunting also didn’t. So, be saddle prepared. Also, it wouldn’t hurt to add getting saddle ready in our saddle-hunting tips and tricks list, does it?
Exercise is a must. Saddle hunting takes a lot of determination, both physically and mentally. So, be fit.
Go for a run, hike, cycle, swim, or walk. Also, practice climbing trees before taking on your new saddle-hunting adventure. In addition, try practicing using the saddle.
Yes, saddles are the most important thing in this type of hunting, so if you will know the basics of hanging from a saddle. Because in the beginning, it can get uncomfortable.
Your saddle will feel like a second skin with time and hours of practicing. Also, you will be extremely comfortable.
Saddle Hunting Tips And Tricks: The First Initial Steps
Leaping your way from the depths of on-ground hunting and jumping into the world of saddle hunting can be nerve-wracking, especially when you are relatively new to this world.
Consider many things while doing so, from psychologically and physiologically preparing yourselves to purchase the right saddle hunting tools and gears. So, it would be wrong not to add your initial steps into our saddle hunting tips and tricks list.
The most difficult challenge comes when considering how to use your saddle gears and how to maneuver or modify them. We suggest not to worry about modifying your gears now if you are starting at least. Also, please don’t modify your tools if you are just dipping your toe in saddle hunting.
Why, you ask?
Because saddle hunting requires a lot of practice and patience, if you start by modifying your gears to the point where it takes effort to control them, there will be problems.
Also, you have yet to discover your way of performing the saddle hunt unless and until you discover your style of saddle hunting, sticking to the basics would be a safe option.
Okay, now you have decided to go for your first saddle hunt. Now, what do you do?
Well, your first saddle-hunting adventure must be just a trial session. After the trial, you will understand how saddle hunting generally works.
This knowledge is very important because, after your first endeavor, you can now bring modifications to your gear and understand how to use your gear correctly or in your way.
But it is okay to discover that the general way of saddle hunting is perfect for you too. There is no wrong or right way of saddle hunting unless you are safe. You can practice any method of it.
How to bring modifications to your gear or understand the requirement of gear?
For this, the internet will be a boon. Also, communicate. Watch YouTube videos, post on various social media platforms, and surf the world wide Web. You will be surprised to see so much information on just one platform.
If you have saddle-hunting friends or family, don’t hesitate to ask them about it too. You might learn a thing or two.
A little saddle hunting tip and trick for you is that modification of your saddle hunting gear depends upon the location of your hunt. If you are more likely to hunt in private lands, sometimes in public, then the basic gear setup will work for you.
But if you are more of a rustic or public land hunter, you should bring some modification in your gear.
Need help with the basics of saddle hunting gear? Stick around this saddle hunting tips and tricks article; we will tell you about them.
Saddle Hunting Tips And Tricks: The Right Gear
Saddle hunting requires your investment. Investment in the field of choosing the right gear and tools. Remember that going on an elevation is a health hazard on its own. So, pick and choose correctly. Your one wrong decision might make you injured.
Here we have some basic saddle hunting gears that you will need. We will also discuss the features you must look for while choosing the right gear. Here we go.
A Climbing Aider
The most important thing while saddle hunting is to be secure and retain weight. And a climbing aider will help you do just that.
Additionally, climbing aiders can be a strap, rope, or cable. They will likely be attached to the lowest section of your climbing stick.
Let’s say you want to spot a gorgeous buck. One hundred meters farther than your eyes can meet. It would help if you went higher.
Therefore, a climbing aider will be a godsend to you. You can go higher on your tree stand using your climbing aider but do not need more climbing sticks. Thus, weight retention.
Neat, right?
Climbing aiders can take five more steps above your elevation, but hunters worldwide are more likely to use dual or single steps.
Your wish is a climber aids command because if you desire to be 20 feet above the ground but have no interest in carrying more than two sticks, then a climbing aider is your best friend.
Finally, there is a popular saddle hunting method called one sticking method, for which you need a climbing aider.
A Saddle and A Bridge
As the name suggests, saddle hunting requires a saddle. Also, saddles will be a second home for you during your hunt. We suggest you try out as many saddles as you possibly can.
If not, reading reviews about the best saddle the market offers can also be a great method in choosing the right saddle for you. Also, ask your saddle-hunting family what saddle they use. In general, do your research.
Why is a saddle important?
Saddles are important because of their comfort level. Being suspended from anything is uncomfortable on its own, and if you have a saddle that pokes you or chaffs you, that experience will be like hell. So be mindful and invest in a good saddle that is comfortable and worth the price.
Another important quality of a good saddle is its bridge. You know the rope that is responsible for connecting you with your saddle? Yes, that is called a bridge. Then that bridge will connect you to your tree stand via a tree rope with a carabiner.
The first thing that makes or breaks a bridge is the material it is made with and the level of adjustment you can do. However, if the bridge you get with your saddle isn’t comfortable enough, you can change it.
Saddles can be expensive because they come with a kit of all the basic things you need for saddle hunting. So be wise and choose the right saddle to set you up for a lifetime saddle-hunting journey.
A Belt
Hunters call it the Lineman’s belt, but we call it the belt of life. Some people might forget it, but a Lineman belt is one of the most important things in saddle hunting. Therefore it has made it to our list of saddle-hunting tips and tricks.
What does it do?
Well, a Lineman belt is necessary to maneuver around trees. Hunters use it to connect themselves to your designated safety harness. And the best part of this belt is that once you secure it, it makes your saddle-hunting adventure quick, easy, safe, convenient, effective, and reliable, even at night.
Lineman’s belt can be addictive. They say that you cannot go back once you have used it to ascend your tree stand.
A Tree Tether
Saddle hunting is only complete with mentioning tree tether. A tree tether is what keeps you connected to the tree. In basic terms, a tree tether is a rope that usually comes with a Lineman’s belt. Also, it helps you move around and aim at your shot easily without worrying about falling off.
Hook your tree tether at the height and angle you feel most comfortable in. It can be at a nose-to-eye height that people use to lower their trajectory rope angle. Also, the nose-to-eye height ensures that while aiming at your next buck, the rope doesn’t interfere, especially with your elbows.
However, many people also choose tying up their tree there above the height of their head. This position is jarring because the rope will interfere with you while you position for your next big hunt. It might be especially bad for your back because the steep rope angle that the above-head position creates will make you lean back.
Finally, it must be clarified to understand the perfect height to tie up your tree tether. Try tying it parallel to your tree stand, or you can lean forward. Understanding how to use a tree tether may be difficult at first, but with a little practice, you will learn it in no time.
A Tree Saddle Platform
While hanging from a tree during saddle hunting, you do not want your feet to dangle. So, a tree saddle platform will come in handy to keep your feet and you comfortable.
A tree saddle platform might seem insignificant initially, but it can be daunting when suspended on a tree for hours.
A Climbing Stick or A Climbing Spur
Climbing Sticks are a no-brainer in the multiverse of saddle hunting. It has made it to our saddle-hunting tips and tricks list. Climbing sticks can be useful while hunting on public lands when you are not climbing on already preset trees.
These sticks are useful in climbing to your desired height above the ground. Most of the climbing sticks on the market will take you 20 feet above the ground.
A climbing spur is your friend if you wish to carry only a little mass during saddle hunting. However, in some public areas, these are banned because they significantly destroy trees.
Other Gears
Okay, the list above contains essentials that everybody carries during their saddle-hunting trip. But if you wish to be extra safe and comfortable, there are other gears too that you can consider. Because we want the best for you we have added other gears on our saddle hunting tips and tricks list.
Things like an ascender can be used to maneuver around trees. Plus, in addition to being cheap, they make using your ropes ten times easier.
Gear bags can be unnecessary, but carrying them with built-in MOLLE technology makes carrying your gear more comfortable.
Knee rests and backrests can make your saddle hunting more knee and back-friendly. Think of the discomfort you will feel without these rests.
Saddle Hunting Tips And Tricks: Shooting The Shot
Now, you know about the gears. You are comfortable with the saddle. And you are fit. So, what would be our next saddle-hunting tips and tricks? It is learning how to shoot. More importantly, learn how to take your shot from a saddle because, trust us when we say it is not the same as shooting from the ground.
Up in a tree is a game changer than running behind an animal or waiting for it inside the vegetation. Plus, your aim must be right, and you must understand the habit of the animal you are shooting at and its identifying features. Try shooting from any position. Standing up or sitting down, leaning or being straight, leaning to the left or right, or completely positioning back against the tree.
Do everything to see which position allows you to have a clear shot at your buck. While practicing your shot, remember that a deer will not only come in front of you but can also come at any angle, even your back. So try suspending from your saddle and aiming at any angle.
Saddle Hunting Tips And Tricks: Know The Limitations
Sometimes you might be uncomfortable, and sometimes, your saddle might give you a hard time. And sometimes, your assumptions might wrong you, and sometimes, the deer openly challenge you. It depends.
So understand that hunting systems are flawed. Even saddle hunting could be better. Understanding this is very important.
So practice hard, do your research, and go for it!
This brings us to our end of the saddle hunting tips and tricks list.