Peep Sight Verifier Vs Clarifier
Archery is an art form that dates back centuries from ancient knights to modern hunters and athletes. It has seen it all. So, it isn’t a shock to know that many innovations occur in the archery world almost daily.
When we talk about peep sight verifiers or clarifiers, people might deem them small inventions. However, these innovations are very important because they help an archer focus on their target and shoot properly and successfully.
Also, many people need to learn what a peep sight or a clarifier is. So, in this article, we will talk about these noble inventions and the competition between them. Or what is the fight between the peep sight verifier vs. clarifier?
Know more about archery.
Hadza hunter-gatherer in Tanzania
Before we jump to the peep sight verifier vs. clarifier discussion, let us first look at understanding what archery is in the first place. Because without knowing about archery in the first place and using any one of the peep sight verifiers or clarifiers can be quite difficult.
Okay, so what is archery? Archery can be considered an act of sport, hunting, practice, and even the skill of shooting bows and arrows. Historians claim that archery hasn’t only been used for hunting, but they are widely used for hunting too. But nowadays, with fewer archery-based combats and more gun-related combats, archery is used only for recreational purposes or as a form of competitive sport.
If we look at archery’s progression, we can see people and even Gods using them ferociously. For example, both Greek and Roman Gods and Goddesses like Artemis and Apollo and Diana and Cupid are known to use archery. In addition, we can see archery used in Hinduism, where DemiGods like Arjun are considered skillful.
The types of Bows
Several types of Bows
Not knowing about the various types of bows before discussing peep sight verifier vs. clarifier is considered a sin. So, did you know that there is a lot of variety when it comes to archery? For example, you can find self-bows, laminated, compound, and composite bows. Other than that, there are also traditional European straight bows and recurve bows.
Also, how you release your arrows from your bow depends on the region you are originally from. For example, archery arrows are typically released from the right-hand side in Turkish and Arabic. But when we come western side of the globe, for example, the North American continent, we can see that bows are usually released from the left-hand side. Pretty cool, right?
There are also crossbows which mainly consist of mechanically drawn bows.
The interesting world of arrows and bowstrings
After discussing bows, how can we leave the discussion of arrows in our peep sight verifier vs. clarifier article? So, are you ready? Because here we go!
An arrow mainly consists of a shaft. Then we can see that it has a nock and fletchings at the other end and an arrowhead at its front. Arrows can be made from fiberglass, aluminum alloy, carbon fiber, wood, and bamboo to composite materials.
Moving on to bowstrings, these are often made of dacron or any other extremely durable material that makes them extremely strong. Because bow strings must be strong, shooting arrows from them would be a nightmare if they were flimsy.
However, in a more traditional setting, while making a stunning traditional bow, you will still find that the bow string is made of linen.
Lastly, release aids, protective equipment, and stabilizers
©Archery For Beginners, LLC
Okay, let us look at some unknown parts of a bow and arrow, the release aids, the protective equipment, and the stabilizers before we discuss peep sight verifier vs. clarifier.
A release aid, you guessed it, helps release your arrows from your bows but not in a weak way, sharply and crisply that shoots directly at your target. These are attached to your wrist or hands; applying tension to them automatically releases your bow.
You might observe that many archers have funky things that they wear whenever they practice archery. Yeah, that thing is a bracer. Bracer is considered a piece of important protective equipment whenever you participate in archery. It not only protects your clothes from getting caught. But also protects the inside portion of your bow arms from being hit by a naughty string.
Similarly, other protective equipment can be a leather tab, glove, or thumb ring.
Moving on to our debate about peep sight verifier vs. clarifier, we will now talk about a stabilizer. Not one, not two, but you attach a stabilizer on various important points of your bow. Now, what do they do? They help keep your bow and arrow in balance.
Balance is pretty important whenever you are trying to aim, isn’t it? In addition, they are also known to reduce vibration and noise accordingly. Finally, they also increase your accuracy while shooting on a target.
What is a peep sight?
As the name suggests, a peep sight is a peephole that you can look from, placed at the string of your bow. Isn’t that neat? So, how does an archer use a peep sight?
To use a peep sight, you must align your bow sight with the peep sight to focus on your target. In addition, to understand it simply, a peep sight is a type of sight that is commonly used in a rifle or a shotgun.
However, many archers and hunters globally have a war discussing the importance of a peep sight. The question is whether or not a peep sight is necessary for archery hunting.
The Types Of Peep Sights
Now after discussing what a peep sight is, let us know the mechanism of a peep sight or how you use one. There are two types of peep sights: a tube peep sight and a tubeless peep sight.
A tube peep sight is the one you attach from a cable or the top limb of your beloved bow. In addition, many archers worldwide love using tube peep sights because they can align themselves by spinning whenever you shoot your arrow.
A good thing about this type of peep sight is that if you align it properly while installing, it always spins properly, giving you a crisp and clear view of your target. As heavenly as these tube peep sight sounds, they are more prone to breaking.
So, if you are someone who is rather clumsy or runs a lot with their weapons, installing a tube peep sight wouldn’t work for you. Therefore, always remember to carry an extra tube because, trust us, you will need it. Get ready to carry some extra baggage, baby!
Apart from a tube peep sight, there is also a tubeless peep sight. So, a tubeless peep sight is the one that you, fortunately, do not have to attach with your bow and arrow; rather, it floats on its own in your bowstring.
In addition, some people might be slightly fazed by a tubeless peep sight at first, but after some practice and installing it properly, some even argue that it works better than a tube peep sight.
Since a tubeless peep sight, you guessed it, doesn’t have a tube, the chances of you breaking it are really low. Because as we discussed earlier, the tube ones, yeah, they are the ones that break easily. But stay calm since a tubeless one has one disadvantage too.
If you do not install a tubeless peep sight properly, then there is a high chance that it might spin annoyingly. Check out why my peep sight keeps turning articles to stop this. Because it is easy, and guess what we have done made it even easier.
Okay, so what is a peep sight verifier, then?
Oh, the age-old question of what a peep sight verifier is. A peep sight verifier will make your archery experience even greater. Have you ever experienced a fuzzy peep sight? Your vision just isn’t clarified whenever you try to achieve your aim.
All these problems could be solved if you attach a peep sight verifier to your bow and arrow or any other archery device. You can think of a peep sight verifier as a reading glass in archery.
So, before understanding the war between a peep sight verifier vs. a clarifier, we need to understand what a peep sight verifier is clearly. A verifier is a small lens that goes inside your peep sight. Although anyone can use a peep sight verifier, it is especially important for people with vision problems who cannot locate their sight pins correctly.
They usually come in two variants or thread sizes, a quarter-inch, and one-eighth-of-an-inch. Also, their strength is marked by a number. You can buy a peep sight verifier from four to nine. The number suggests its strength, so the higher the number, the stronger the peep sight verifier.
In addition, a peep sight verifier also has various hole sizes, but a quarter-inch and one-eighth-of-an-inch are the more commonly used. However, they aren’t designed to work with lenses that provide you sight. You must determine the type of lens you need by experiencing various available ones.
We get it whenever practicing archery. If you can see your pin and target, that would be perfect, right? But often, this is different. So, you can try every peep sight verifier and have a sweet spot to see your target and your pin without a problem.
A peep sight verifier especially comes in handy when focusing on your target isn’t a problem, but focusing on your sight pins is. Or you could simply understand it as you need a peep verifier if focusing on nearby objects is higher than your target.
Moving on, what is a peep clarifier verifier, then?
After learning about a peep verifier, this article about a peep sight verifier vs. a clarifier would only be complete with knowing what a peep clarifier is. We cannot discriminate between a peep sight clarifier now, can we?
Now, let us say your problem is focusing on your target. It can be any target ranging from the target while you are hunting or the target while you are competing in a serious battle of archery. Your scope housing makes it difficult for you to focus on your aim. Then in this scenario, opting to use a peep clarifier rather than a peep verifier is your best bet.
As you see, a peep clarifier is a device used to define your sight picture clearly. Did you know that when you use a peep sight clarifier, you must use it with a scope lens? Yes, you read that correctly. If you wish to use a peep sight clarifier and look at your target successfully, mount it to your scope lens.
Scope lens often comes attached to the bowstring you use. These scopes help enlarge your target by an impressive margin. For example, in an indoor shooting environment where the target is 18 meters ahead of you, the target will be enlarged by a huge margin making you aim your hit properly. In an outdoor scenario, a scope can enlarge your target as far as 50 meters ahead.
Also, to understand a peep clarifier’s functioning, we must know how a lens works. The lens has various strengths and sizes two, three, four, eight, and some at ten magnification. You might want to purchase a lens with the highest level of magnification, but remember that the more you shake using archery, the more the magnification.
So, buying a two, three, or four-times magnification lens is considered a standard. Stay calm if your lens doesn’t magically work the first time you try it. You can easily place a lens properly by screwing and unscrewing it.
A peep sight clarifier usually comes in numbers ranging from one-eighth or one-quarter thread to number one, 1.5, two, or three. We cannot say which is perfect for you because humans are different, and every human needs a peep sight clarifier. It all depends on your eyesight, the distance between you and your target, and the magnification power of your lens.
Finally, what is the peep sight verifier vs. clarifier confusion?
Let us put this debate simply because, in the end, we want something we can easily understand, don’t we? So, peep sight verifier vs. clarifier, let’s do this!
A peep sight verifier is a device to shoot arrows using a pin. So, you need a clearer look at your pin. However, on the other hand, a peep sight clarifier is used when you shoot your arrows using a scope and a lens. Therefore, you require a clearer target or vision.
Further, in the peep sight verifier vs. clarifier discussion, our old folks usually use a peep sight verifier. So, if you have a grandparent interested in archery but can’t align their pins well the next time you visit them, give them a peep sight verifier. We are sure that they will love it. Because of age, people usually cannot see near the target, such as their pins; therefore, older people like to use a peep sight verifier while involved in archery.
Professional archers mostly use a peep sight clarifier. Because clarifiers, as the name suggests, help clarify the target, to shoot well and hit your target, one might use a peep sight clarifier.
Also, adding to the peep sight verifier vs. clarifier combat, a clarifier must be used with a scope lens. You cannot use a peep sight clarifier without using any scope lens. However, using a peep sight verifier does not need a scope lens.
Range of peep sight verifier and clarifier
Despite many differences, one thing is similar in the peep sight verifier vs. clarifier combat. Whether you use a peep sight verifier or a clarifier, you must know its sizes. Or, in short, know your hole size to choose either of these amazing inventions.
The first step is to know the aperture hole size of your peep. After that, you can determine the hole size of the peep sight verifier or clarifier you use.
Okay, to get an overview of the size of the verifier, you must use are:
- Use a number 4 verifier if you need a 1.00 or a weaker reading glass.
- Use a number 5 verifier if you need a 1.25 or a reading glass.
- Use a number 6 verifier for a 1.25 to 1.75 or a reading glass.
- Use a number 7 verifier if you need a 1.75 to 2.00 or a reading glass.
- Use a number 8 verifier if you need a 2.00 to 2.50 or a reading glass.
- Use a number 9 verifier if you need a 2.50 or a higher reading glass.
For the type of peep sight clarifier you might want to use, refer to the bullet point mentioned below:
- If you have a two-power lens, then try a number 0.5 or 1 clarifier
- If you have a three-power lens, then try a number 0.5 or 1 clarifier
- If you have a four-power lens, then try a number 0.5, 1, 1.5, or 2 Clarifier
- If you have a five-power lens, then try a number 0.5, 1, 1.5, or 2 Clarifier
- If you have a six-power lens, then try a number 1, 1.5, or 2 Clarifier
- If you have a seven-power lens, then try a number 1.5, 2, or 3 Clarifier
- If you have an eight-power lens, then try a number 2 or 3 Clarifier
The Conclusion
Ultimately, we would like our peep sight verifier vs. clarifier article to say that both have their purposes. But remember that you can use only one, which means you can use a verifier or a clarifier. So, choose whether you want a clear view of your pins or your target.