Best Time Of Day To Catch Bluegill
Do you know what the North American continent’s most famous game fish is? If your answer is the gorgeous bluegill, then you are correct. As many experts say, bluegill is one of the great North American continent’s most popular and loved game fish.
Although catching a Bluegill is relatively easy and fun, can you guess what could make this experience even more effective and efficient? Well, the answer is knowing the best time of day to catch bluegill. Yes, you read that correctly. Just by knowing the best time of day to catch bluegill, you can increase your success in catching these succulent fish by a great margin.
Now, let us dive into the world of the best time of day to catch bluegill and catch some excellent quality bluegill that promises to fill your family’s appetite.
So, let us get straight to the point, what is the best time of day to catch bluegill?
Without beating around the bush too much, we will reveal the best time of day to catch bluegill. P.S. The answer might shock you, and if you are not an evening person, it might upset you too. So, are you ready?
Well, the best time of day to catch bluegill lasts only for two and a half hours. Yes, the answer to the question is pretty anticlimactic. Also, to add to the shock, only a two and a half-hour catching period of the majestic bluegill is the best time to catch it in the mornings.
In addition, the best time of day to catch bluegill is from 4:30 to 7:00 pm only. It is also important to know that the chances of you catching bluegill are relatively low one hour before sunset. Some might even say it is impossible to catch a bluegill an hour before sunset and even after it.
Although we have given you the perfect time to catch bluegill successfully, this time could be better. There are some conditions surrounding this time. No certain time in nature is perfect all the time. But if you take the 4:30 to 7:00 pm like a grain of salt, you can bag some seriously good bluegills. We promise you.
We have done plenty of research and practice to create the perfect timeline. However, there are some exceptions. The exception is especially higher when the day is cold and overcast. Also, the time isn’t likely to work after a storm devastates the fishing site, especially hours before or after a storm hits the place.
Reasons Behind The Perfect Time To Catch Bluegill
Wondering about how we came up with the perfect time to catch bluegill? We did some physics, some math, and some biology and came to this conclusion. Just kidding. The idea is pretty simple.
Bluegills are known to feed during the evening and are the most active because the warm water hottened by the afternoon sun is just beginning to cool down. The evening provides a good temperature condition for the bluegill to thrive and increase their underwater movement. As a result, we can catch them more.
Also, to add more glory to the wonderful evening time for the bluegills, this is the time when vegetation and docks create a shadow-like effect on the water, making bluegills safe for scouring for food. However, while they are scouring, we are scouring too, thus resulting in a higher probability of us catching them.
In addition, 4:30 to 7:00 pm is the perfect time when the terrestrial and aquatic insects are most active. Also, bluegills are more active since they are hungry for these beauties. And you know what that means? More bluegills for us!
But as it gets dark, the sun starts going down the horizon, and the energy level of bluegills is also lower. So, they aren’t as active as they were, making it harder for us to catch them.
Best Seasons To Catch Bluegill
Whenever we discuss bluegills, we must mention that these beautiful fishes can be fished all year round. This is the reason why anglers love this fish so much. So, no matter what season you choose to catch these beauties, you will get success.
But to understand how the season affects the movement of the fish to have a better chance of catching them, keep reading this article.
The Beautiful Spring Season
Resilient and tough is bluegill’s middle name. A little cold didn’t hurt anybody, and it didn’t hurt the beautiful bluegill at all. So, a little cold season of the beautiful spring also harbors a lot of bluegills.
However, there is another piece of good news for you. Bluegill is known to spew late, especially late into the spring. So, in the spring season, these suckers will be active and looking and swimming around their home, looking for various food. Also, their food foraging stage is longer than other game fishes.
Knowing this amazing fact, you might want to laze around and not think about the time you go to catch the fish. If you are, then we have some news for you. Although spring is one of the best seasons to catch bluegill, there is still the best time of day to catch bluegill during the spring season.
The best time of day to catch bluegill during the spring season is from midday or noon to dusk or when the sun is starting to set. It is important to note that the water will be cold for the bluegill to eat during the morning, so wait for later hours to go for your next fishing adventure in the spring season.
However, you can go a few hours before midday to fish too. Look for a not-so-deep end of your fishing destination or where there is a lot of vegetation to find the most bluegills.
The Hot Summers
Many fishermen worldwide treat the hot summer season as a transitional time for fishing bluegill. It is important to know that the gorgeous bluegills are busy spawning during the early summers. So, the time of fishing bluegill is similar to spring for summer.
Further, the water will be warmer with the increasing temperature, and the bluegills will eventually stop spawning. Then they will go towards a deeper and cooler end of their home.
If you are going to catch bluegill during late summer, fish at places that are only ten to twenty feet deep. Also, make sure that the depth is surrounded by weeds or around a relatively large standing structure.
In addition, you can also fish around the areas where two different habitats meet. For example, shallow water transitions to deeper water. You can also use slow-drifting baits during the summer at different water depths.
The Yellowing Fall
Many experts suggest that fall or autumn is one of the best seasons for catching bluegill. However, if we admit, bluegills aren’t as active during autumn as they are during summer. But if you go on a good time to fish the gorgeous bluegill, there is no doubt that you will harbor success.
During the autumn season, your time of catching bluegill must increase. Remember that after and during the sun setting, bluegill hides and becomes dormant, making it almost impossible for you to catch it. So, we know that as the sunset starts early in autumn, you have to hurry up while catching your bluegill.
So, during autumn, start catching your bluegills from midday to early evenings. During this period, the bluegills are still feeding, and the chances of you catching them by using bait or a lure are also high.
The Chilly Winter
Winter marks snowfall, hot chocolate, and a cozy fire-lit evening. However, it doesn’t mark a spectacular bluegill fishing window. But we have good news for you because you can also catch beauty during the chilly winter.
It is important to know that as the water is cold during winter, the bluegill goes into a dormant stage. They slow down and do not have to feed much, so they do not move around too much, making it harder for anglers to catch them.
During the winter season, if you want to catch bluegill successfully, use a small bait. Also, be extremely patient. It would be best to wait a bit, so be as patient as possible. You also need to pay more attention to your line and rod during winter than in other seasons when you go fishing. Also, the bite of bluegill will be very weak during winter, so look out and be extra aware of any movement you can feel.
Finally, remember that if you use a worm as bait for catching bluegill during winter, place the worm right on the hook or near the bottom work of the hook. This placement of the bait guarantees a successful bluegill catch.
War Of The Various Periods Of The Day To Catch Bluegill
After discussing the various seasons regarding the availability of bluegills during various seasons, let us talk about the various times during the day when you can fish bluegill. We have categorized the time of the day as follows. Hope this helps you and will give you a clearer idea of the time that will work best for you.
The Middays
Catching bluegill during middays, generally known as noons, is tricky. Of course, you can catch a lot of bluegills during middays when the water is the warmest because they are easier to locate. Also, on the other hand, it is extremely hard to convince bluegills to bite into your bait or hook.
Why are we mentioning the fact that locating bluegills during midday is an easy task? You can find these gorgeous fishes in two locations during middays. They are either twenty feet deep inside the water, hiding under their beloved cover or in a very visible position.
Okay, so it is time for us to tell you that bluegills are allergic to direct sunlight. They are also allergic to the warm water that happens during middays. So, to escape their terrible allergies, they go underwater and try to cover and protect themselves against them.
Also, during middays, you can see bluegills under docks and boats hiding and protecting themselves from the sun or the hot water. So, during middays, you must convince your bluegill to stop hiding under covers and show you their actual water location. So, to do that, use a live succulent, juicy worm as their bait.
After you hook your worm to your hook, place the bait near the shadow area where your bluegills are stacked as close as you can get. Rather than placing your bait near clear water during midday, your chance of catching bluegill is higher if you wish to be near the shaded areas.
Try this suggestion the next time you go fishing for bluegill during midday.
The Early Evenings
Many anglers say the early evenings are the holy time to catch bluegills. The evenings are a wonderful time of the day. The air is blowing cool against your face, and the water is cooling down too.
So, the bluegills are more active in foraging for food during the early evenings. They do this to ensure they are safe, hidden, protected, and, most importantly, fed plenty before the night comes.
Looking around during the magical early evening hours, your surroundings are extremely friendly, and your bluegill is ready to be caught, scaled, and fried. However, it would be best if you worked fast because as the night starts to fall, your chance of catching bluegill plummets.
During the early evenings, you can use live or artificial bait for fishing. You can also use lures during this time of the day. The lures work like pure magic, and you can get away with using tiny plugs and jigs.
The Mid Afternoons
Apart from the cool early evenings, you can also try catching bluegill during the mid-afternoon. This is a personal favorite because we love fishing during mid-afternoons. After all, the bluegills are so easy to locate. Look for glorious bluegills under boats, docks, timbers, or vegetation.
The boats, docks, timbers, or vegetation is the perfect hiding place for bluegills during the hot mid-afternoons because the sun is at full speed, glaring with all its might toward the water. Since bluegills are allergic to the sun’s direct glare, they will be hiding.
However, unlike the midday, the bluegills are a little more active because the sun is not as harsh, and they will move while looking for their next prey.
Remember to use the correct bait and the right method of approach while fishing for bluegills during mid-afternoons. You can successfully lure out a bluegill to catch it. You just need a little patience while doing it.
You can use minnows or worms for the bait, but lures are a little help while fishing for bluegills during mid-afternoon.
The Early Mornings
The early mornings aren’t a good time to fish bluegills. The chances of you catching one are significantly lower. The time for the early mornings is from sunrise to 9 am.
The water is very cold, and the vegetation isn’t fully awake. So, your chances of catching bluegills during early mornings are almost nil. However, depending on your luck, skill, and patience, you can score some.
Best Time Of Day To Catch Bluegill: The Night Catch
Being diurnal is Bluegill’s personality trait. Being diurnal means that bluegills are actively looking for food during the daytime and like staying stationary at night.
Sometimes you may catch bluegill during the night, but anglers do not consider catching bluegills at night an ideal time.
The Conclusion
We are trying to say that there is not one best time of day to catch bluegill, but there are many! Just make sure that you go fishing after the sun rises. Like a hunt, fishing also has a good time and season to catch more fish.
For bluegill, fishing during the early evenings is the best time, and the best season would be spring and summer.